News & Events
Latest from our Events
February 18
Visit by Mr Gerald Farthing, Deputy Minister Manitoba, Canada
Mr Farthing left with a very positive impression of the induction programme being implemented in Malta, and communication between the two Ministries was continued with the aim of sharing good practices. READ MORE
April 01
Shake it OFF! Language Learning through Physical Activity
The game Fitivities, which is a smaller version of Skillastics, has been introduced by the NGO Are You Active (AYA) Malta in the induction classes. The Unit worked in collaboration with Mr Kevin Azzopardi, EO, PE in order to disseminate good practices in cross curricular teaching. READ MORE
January 01
Summer Language Classes for Secondary School Students
The Migrant Learners’ Unit in collaboration with the Directorate for Life Long Learning and Early School Leavers held a pilot project which consisted of a Summer Language Course to further support learners in Year 7 to Year 9. READ MORE
May 09
TEFL Certificate Course
In its commitment to continually upskill its teacher cohort, the Unit in collaboration with the EFL Monitoring Board offered a TEFL Cert Course subsidised by MEDE. READ MORE
May 10
SRSP – Structural Reform Support Programme
The project “Support to the Migrant Learners’ Unit to Improve the Inclusion of Migrant Learners within Mainstream Education in Malta” provides technical support to the Migrant Learners’ Unit (MLU) of Malta’s Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation (MEYR) aims to improve the educational opportunities of migrant learners in Malta. READ MORE
May 01
A Global Education and Citizenship Project carried out by MLU READ MORE
November 05
The project “systemic UPscaling of Peace Education pRactices – UPPER”, aimed at bringing the values of peace, intercultural dialogue and civic participation to the core of educational policies and school practices with the objective of producing significant improvements in learning life skills for youngsters living in Europe. READ MORE
October 28
A conference was held to discuss the E-Twinning project READ MORE
November 01
Friendship Cards
The activity focused on story telling using friendship cards, a system which focuses on real and effective communication with the aim of creating long-lasting relationships. READ MORE
February 25
No to HATE Speech Discussion
Hate Speech at the National Digital Literacy Agency. READ MORE