Our Services

Language To Go! – Summer Language Courses
The Migrant Learners’ Unit within The Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation (MEYR) organises the summer language course – Language to Go! The summer language course is meant to support newcomer learners in Maltese and/or in English. Each course consists of 8 sessions of one and a half hour each. Upon completing the course, learners are awarded a certificate of participation. Sessions are held twice/three times weekly for three/four consecutive weeks. This course is intended for newly arrived learners or those who still have difficulties in communicating in Maltese and/or English. Learners who are currently attending school from Year 2 to Year 10 are eligible for these sessions. Participation for the Language to Go! sessions are free of charge. Learners can opt to register for one language only or for both Maltese and English sessions. During the past years these courses were offered in four centres: Marsascala, Blata l-Bajda, St Paul’s Bay and Victoria-Gozo. Since 2020 the courses are being offered online.
This activity is part of the project ‘Language Learning and Parental Support for Integration PLUS’ (LLAPSI+ – MT/2016/AMIF/4.01), co-financed by the European Union through the Asylum Migration and Integration Fund (2014-2020). Number of students who benefitted from Language to Go along the years
Year | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
Number of participants | 130 | 71 | 150 | 510 | 751 | 423 |