Our Services
Training LLAPSI+
Training for Educators and Staff
The Migrant Learners’ Unit (MEYR) through the project Language Learning and Parental Support for Integration PLUS – LLAPSI+ (MT/2016/AMIF/4.01) organised ten training courses between February and June 2022. Seven of these courses, accredited at MQF level 4, were aimed at Community Liaison Workers and Staff working with learners’ with a migrant background in schools, while a further three courses, accredited at MQF level 6, were specifically designed for educators, especially teachers, members of schools or colleges’ SLTs and Psycho-Social personnel working in schools. There was a total of 139 individual applications for all the courses. Each course comprised 15 hours of direct contact time between participants and tutors followed up with 10 hours of course work. An award ceremony was held on the 27th September 2022 at the Migrant Learners’ Unit premises, during which certificates were officially awarded to successful participants by Mr Emile Vassallo – Director General Educational Services.
The following is a list of training courses which were offered:
- Parenting on the move : relevant parenting skills needed by migrant families to support their children.
- Empowering Migrant Families: to prepare their children for school within the Maltese educational system.
- Working with Families with a migrant background on how to support the child’s literacy.
- Understanding the migrant child’s needs.
- The Resettlement Process and The Role of the Local Community.
- Migration-related issues.
- Psycho-social Effects of Migrant coming from Conflict Zones and The Parennial Sense of Liminality.
- Teaching of English and Maltese as Foreign Languages in the Context of Migration: teaching methodologies and classroom techniques in induction classes into mainstream education.
- Dealing with low levels of literacy in the language induction classroom.
- Assessing Language Skills and Fluency in the Maltese and English Language Induction Classrooms.